Monday, January 26, 2009

Welcome, Third Grade!

Today we'll be finishing up our Martin Luther King, Jr. slides. We'll be adding voice over, if you haven't already done that to your slide. We will also be using a digital camera today to take our photos to place on our slide. We're almost ready to become world wide web authors!

You and your partner will be checking the slide for accuracy using a rubric.

Third Grade Power Point Slide for MLK Presentation

Date of event

Explanation – importance of this date in MLK’s life


Website where the photo borrowed is cited

Team photo(s)

Voice over has ALL team members’ voices

Voice over has words pronounced correctly

The layout of the slide is appealing/easy to read

(Visit link #17 if you finish and are waiting for your photograph.) :)

Thursday, January 15, 2009

For the Week of January 20

Welcome, Third Grade!

Today we will be putting the finishing touches on our Martin Luther King, Jr. Power Point slide.

We will NOT be adding "designs" or "backgrounds" to the slide. Why do you think we are not adding these items?

Your slide needs to have:

2-What happened/where it happened


4-website (or computer program) where you are borrowing the photograph from

5-voice over narrating your slide

When you are finished with your slide (or if you're waiting for a microphone), you may visit these links:
National Geographic "Creature Feature"
Give a Dog a Bone!
Mend the Number Square

Let's have fun!
Mrs. McVey

Monday, January 12, 2009

For the Week of January 12

Welcome, Third Graders!

Today we will be working to create a slide for a class powerpoint about Martin Luther King, Jr.

FIRST, we'll get a piece of paper with a date listed on it to research: What happened in his life on this date that was so important?

SECOND, we'll use this link: MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR. to find out!

THIRD, we'll WRITE down what happened on that piece of paper.

FOURTH, we'll open up POWER POINT to begin creating ONE slide for that date.

We'll be doing all kinds of things to our slide:

adding an important date and event

citing the website where you found the photograph
adding voice over to your slide (if you have time) using the microphone

When you finish, you will need to save the ONE slide to your teachers folder in a file called, "Martin Luther King."

Below are a few links where you may want to look for photos:

1. The King Center - hear his famous, "I have a dream..." speech

2. Wikipedia - MLK - read about MLK/find information

3. Civil Rights Museum

4. Scholastic's Site - many links for MLK

5. Virutal Tour of Martin Luther King's home

6. MLK Biography (has advertisements)

7. MLK Timeline (has advertisements)

8. MLK Biography

9. MLK - Biography at Enchanted Learning's site

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

For the Week of January 6

Welcome back, Third Graders!

This week we will be visiting many fun links to practice our typing skills, navigation skills, and tools we need to know such as adding money and building models. We'll be visiting "outer-cyber-space," too!

Good luck!
Mrs. McVey

1. BBC Dancemat Typing

2. Coin Combo

3. Seed Ball

4. Spaceship - headed to the Earth, Sun, and Moon!